Oh January....January threw us a couple of curve balls, but nothing we couldn't handle.
I am thankful that we had our weekly budget meetings as planned. We also had our end of the month check in last night. (I know it's not technically the end of the month, but it was the last Wednesday of the month!). I think my husband and I are both in LOVE with our budget binder. I get excited to put things into it, and check off when I pay the bills. It makes the mundane seem manageable, and even fun. Yes, I said fun. If you would have asked me last January if my budget was fun or if I even had one, I would have answered no. But this year it has been a huge blessing. Even when unexpected items came up that we needed to pay for. We HAD the money, for the first time ever. Thanks to our budget! Also, we are all ready to get started on our taxes, and that ALWAYS makes me happy!
I did pretty good with my computer time, although, I am convinced this is something I can always improve upon.
I also did a bit better on my quiet time, which again is another area I believe always has room for improvement!
I have also decided I really need to work on my voice level with my children. With them all being so little and running around, and being little noise makers. I always feel like I have to yell to even be heard. It doesn't necessarily mean I'm yelling at them. Just yelling to them. I have decided this needs to stop. I should never be too busy to go and get down on their level, speak softly and ask them politely to do what needs done. There are times (such as when I'm nursing a baby) that I cannot always do this, but instead of yelling out the instructions I will simply call them to me, and speak to them directly. This always yields a better result, so why do I always forget this? I couldn't tell you! Just a good personal reminder that I need to lower my voice a lot more often than I need to raise it!
As for time with my husband this has been the most exciting part. The kids have been on a pretty decent night time routine and are all usually in bed by 8:00. (don't worry the babies are in bed WAY before that, usually by 6;30!) This has been wonderful for my husband and I. We have folded laundry together, cleaned up the kitchen, done the dishes. I know, I know we are SOOO romantic. But it has been so nice to work as a team, and not just as single parents as we did for the majority of our marriage since we were working opposite shifts all the time. We have really come to look forward to our Mon-Fri evenings together. I wouldn't trade these away for the world. They have helped my attitude and I'm sure his. We love getting to talk about our day with each other, as we fold the laundry or do the dishes. We love getting to just BE together.
My baby and I at the zoo! Love the time we get together as a family
I am forever grateful that we had the opportunity for me to work from home, and to work only weekends. It has done wonders for our family. God has blessed us greatly, and we are looking forward to an awesome year of demolishing our goals, and breaking free as a family!Want to know more about my goals? Click here
What is breaking free for us? Check that out here
Want to know where I got my budget binder templates? Check that out here
How are you doing on your goals? Are you breaking free? Feel free to join me on my journey!
Talk soon!