Tuesday, August 30, 2011

High Chair Redo

I am trying to fix up some little things around the house and I noticed how yucky the highchair looks.  This highchair has been very good to us for the 1 month we have been using it but it is blue with little rocking horses and bears on it, not really my thing and it does not match the dining room.  I love for things to match so it was sticking out like a sore thumb so we decided to do something about that.

I went to walmart and found some fabric that wasn't too expensive I think it was $4/yd, but we only needed a yd so not too bad.  I bought a 1/2 yd of some red, green, and brown fabric and then a yd of the brown fabric with wonderful green circle/ovals on it.

So I took the high chair apart, and deep cleaned the whole thing again, scrubbed it down with bleach and then with some shower cleaner and it cleaned up quite nicely again.  I then took the top and bottom cushions and laid them out on the fabric and cut two pieces of fabric about 1/2 in bigger then each cushion. 

I then took my lovely accent fabric and measure the outside edge of th cushions and cut my fabric accordingly.  This highchair was not one with fabric cushions on it, it had a cardboard like piece that ran on the backside of both and then it had a seam on the sides of it so I did that in the different color, just for fun.

Oh I forgot I also bought some vinyll.  I got the really cheap stuff it was 97cents a yd so we got 1 yard of that and I still have a ton leftover, especially since I decided to only cover the top pieces in vinyl so they could be easily wiped down when my hansome lil' man was done making a mess.  So I cut one piece of vinyl out for the top piece and one for the bottom.

I then took the bottom piece layed the vinyl over top of it and then I sewed the trim to it.  When that was done I took the other bottom piece and sewed it to the trim but I left one whole side open.  Since it was not just a cushion I could squish back inside of it, it had cardboard so I needed a big hole to be able to put the cushion inside of it.  I then did the same for the top piece.

I then stuffed the cushion in them and hand sewed up the last side.  I put it back on my highchair and voila I have a brand "new" highchair that I got for about $7 dollars.  Did I mention that the highchair was given to us for free.  So not a bad deal to spend $7 on it and making it look like brand new again, and I even got to pick whatever pattern I wanted I didn't have to just buy one I kinda liked at the store.

Pretty neat huh?

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