Tuesday, November 13, 2012


That doesn't even begin to describe our life the past month. Warning-not a very happy post, kinda grumbly in fact.

Athaiah is refusing to sleep.  Which means she is up usually from 1130-230am crying every 5 minutes.  A very draining process for mommy because she only cries louder, unless I go and pick her up and rock her.  As you can guess this has made for a very tired mommy. And no to top things off she is sick with a temp at 102 for the last 24hrs so all the sweet little girl wants to do is be held my mommy all day and all night.  I feel so bad for my little sick one.

My pregnancy this time around seems to be getting the best of me.  I have awful nausea but only once 7pm hits.  So the whole time I'm up with Athaiah all I want to do is puke:(  Doesn't make for a very fun experience. With the other two, I never got sick, so this is a whole new situation for me and I will admit I'm not too keen about it!

Elijah is hitting a stubborn stage.  Now he is still excellent most of the time, but he gets these moments as all kids do where he decides he isn't going to listen to what mommy said and do things his way.  Other times he is an angel and helps me out with anything.  He knows now that his dishes go in the sink after a meal, and to throw garbage in the garbage, and he helps with Athaiah all the time(as best as an almost 2 yr old can anyway).

So it has been rough.  Through these rough times I'm trying to remain positive and keep going.  Some days I will admit it gets extremely difficult and I just pray I can make it through the seemingly endless day.
The  biggest things that helped me the past couple weeks. 
I came home a couple of nights and my husband had done all the dishes that seem to be never ending.
I had 2 friends drop by for a visit and while I was giving the kiddos a bath, I came out to all the dishes done and a good chunk of the put away!
My husband has been so good to me, he has even gotten up quite a few times in the middle of the night when I simply cant get up 1 more time. I thank God that I'm blessed with such an amazing man.

1 comment:

  1. I totally feel you on the nausea! I feel sick from the time I wake up until about 7pm when it starts to let up. And none if the supposed remedies help. I can't imagine having to work and function in general with all that you've got going on! I'll be praying for you!
