Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Athaiah is 1!

My baby girl is 1! Where has the time gone?

We had some cake a week early...she barely got messy-no fun.

We decided to try again-still hardly messy, this was on Sunday the day after her birthday.
Here is a picture of the birthday cupcakes!

The family was a bit under the weather on her birthday so we pretty much hung out around the house.  We did manage to make it out of the house to go to Logan's for dinner(mommy was craving their yummy rolls), and we went to Target while we were there to pick her up a present.  Yes, we really are that lame.  We waited until her birthday and then took her shopping!  She got a stroller for her babies, and 2 pairs of jean shorts-since it is pretty much shorts weather here already.

All about our baby girl:
She talks-a lot...here are some of her words: momma, daddy, brother, dede(decafe-the dog), kitty, ucky, no, mine(you can tell someone has a big brother), bye, hi/hello, thank you, yum, ow, uh-oh, and she giggles and smiles a lot!

Since turning 1 she loves her daddy-It's about time little girl!

She loves fruit and can't get enough...if you walk through the produce section with her she says yum as loud and as furious as possible and doesn't stop! She is forever trying to get into the fridge and pull everything out! Gonna have to keep an eye on this little one.

She is trying to walk-she won't stand up by herself yet, but pulls herself up on everything, scales the couch and loves to walk behind any of the push toys! She doesn't sit still for very long, she is almost always on the move.  She is going to keep the rest of us on our toes!

She thinks her brother and her dog are the best thing ever and is forever chasing the two of them around the house giggling.

She loves to snuggle!  Mommy's favorite, she will still curl up like a newborn(you know with the legs all pulled up under her) and just lay on my belly!

What a wonderful little blessing she has been to our family!  I can't wait for what is to come...but really time needs to slow down-these kiddos get soo big so fast!  I have only been able to get a couple of pictures and she is so active, so below are the only two official 1 year pics we have so far!
I love my babies blue eyes!
This was an "accident" picture, Elijah wanted to sit next to her and this is now one of my favorites. Especially since I didn't have to pose them like this is just happened!

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