Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weekend Getaway!

This past weekend Athaiah and I were able to have a mommy-daughter weekend.  I have never left one of the kids before, so I missed my little man(and the big man) a lot, but we had a ton of fun.  We flew into Chicago where my mom and step dad picked us up from the airport.  Then we got to drive to MI for the weekend(we were going home for one of my best friend's wedding showers)!  I got to see my brother Mike play a lacrosse game-I have never seen one and that was quite thrilling.  Although in the end I decided it is a very dangerous game with those sticks waving about.(you can tell I know a ton about sports... right??)  Then we chilled for the evening.  A nice break since we had been in car, in a plane, and then in a car again.  Athaiah did an amazing job handling all the traveling.  She melted a couple of times, but really not bad considering the amount of time she spend confined to a car seat in one day(this for a girl who never stops moving!).  I got to see my brother and some of our step cousins-such sweet people.  We grilled burger and brats and had a wonderful time.  So thankful to Rita for letting us crash at her place and for providing everything we needed to stay comfortable! Couldn't have had a better experience.
Sunday was our busy day...Athaiah woke up around 8:30 and we got moving for the day.  Quickly got ready and dressed and out the door.  We headed to my dad's house.  There we ate breakfast with my sister and my brother and of course my adorable stepsister.  It was so good to be able to relax with them, talk, and have a good time.  Church time was next, it was nice to be back at one of my old Church's and to see people that have known me for a life time!  My mother in law picked me up from there and we went back to Plymouth to meet up with the rest of my in laws.  It was so nice to see all those sweet kids!  Athaiah got a whole lot of love and snuggles and we saw a couple more people that we grew up with-always amazing to reconnect with the people you have known forever and who have helped shape you into who you are today.  What an amazing way to spend the morning.
Shower Time!! We went to a wonderful wedding shower for one of my best friends Sarah.  She will be getting married in like 8 weeks(for those of you not good with math-that is right around the time I'm due).  I wanted to go to this shower so bad, just in case we can't make the wedding since we have no idea when the baby is planning on arriving.  I had a great time getting to see her and her family.  I also go to spend some more time with my mom and sister which is just always so nice!  It was a wonderful shower and she got so many amazing gifts.  A well spent afternoon.  Now it is time to head back to Chicago-by chance the shower ended up being next to my old Timmies. For those of you who know me(and those who don't), couldn't have been better placed.  Before we got on the road we stopped for a coffee from my old work and man do I miss their coffee, I really need to talk them into getting some in Kansas.  To anyone who hasn't had their coffee you are really missing out, nothing like it in my opinion!(although I am partial to the place since I worked there for 5 years).
Sunday evening I finally got to see the baby of the family(who is nowhere near a baby anymore).  It was good to see her and spend some time with her.  We got to share a room that night-much better than how I remember it being!  But then again when she would sleep in my room(which was rare, but she liked to do that on occasion as a little monkey) we shared a twin sized bed and she kicked me most of the night.  I'm proud to say she didn't kick me once! Sorry had to share that, she was sweet little girl and is now such a sweet big girl and I really enjoyed getting to spend time with her like the good ol' days! 
Monday it was back to Kansas we went. Our flight left early from Chicago.  Greg and I both had Monday off.  We went shopping in Wichita for the morning and then spent the afternoon around the house.  It was nice to have a day of family time after being away from each other.  It was also amazing to sleep in my own bed again-there is just something so nice about your own bed and I have yet to figure that out!  What an amazing and wonderful weekend.  Thank you to everyone who drove Athaiah and I around and let us bunk at their houses.  We couldn't have asked for a better weekend.  I would say girl/boy weekend was a success.  I know it was fast and we didn't get to see everyone, but I am thankful for those that we did get to see and spend time with!  Maybe next time the visit will be longer and we will all get to come!
PS. sorry for the lack of pictures-my camera wouldn't fit in my carry on so I have zero pictures from the weekend, bummer:(  I'm hoping I can bum a few off of some people.

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