Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Garbage Can

I found this really cool old looking garbage can at Target.  I decided this was something that I would like in our downstairs bathroom, but trying to be frugal and save money where ever I can I decided I could instead make something very similar!

Off to work I went!

I had my husband cut out the pieces of wood.  The wood was 9.5" wide already so that part was easy and I decided I wanted it a foot tall.  Off he went(being the wonderful husband that he is), and cut me 4 12" pieces for the sides.  The then cut another piece at about 9.5" long for the bottom.  I wasn't really look for conventional at this point-just simple!

I nailed all of the sides together with finishing nails that were 1.5" long-could have gone shorter but I couldn't find the 1" nails and I had the kids with me, digging in the other nail buckets so I just went with it.  Greg giggled when I came home with them and said "well at least it will be one really sturdy trash can, can't beat sturdy."  I think it makes him laugh when I do something silly just because I'm in a hurry-but they worked so no complaints here and let me tell you what-it is a VERY sturdy trash can!

I sanded all the sides and tops so they were smooth and I sanded them so the parts around the edges have some slight rounding to them, but nothing major.  Just for a little something extra...Next I put on the bottom.  I just nailed it around the hole on the bottom.  This doesn't cover the whole bottom-but it covers the hole which is all I really care about because I think it gives it a unique feel. 

Now, for the part I love.  I got to stain it.  I love staining and painting things, not sure why but I LOVE it!  I tell Greg I like to remodel the house just because I like to have some paint therapy every once in a while!

Here is the finished project...

Sorry I didn't take any during pictures, I had my 2 year old helping me so between watching nails and little fingers, I wasn't feeling putting a camera in the mix! Although he is a huge helper and I could have gotten some good pictures of him "banging" in the nails(after they were already in of course) This project was a total of $1 instead of the $19.99 the one at target was.  It was $1 because I had to buy nails, we had the wood(from the scrap pile) and the stain. I like the price of $1 much better than $20, don't you??

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