Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Not my plans...

"For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord" Jeremiah 29:11a.

This verse is ringing true for me today(yesterday, ok always, but especially recently)! A great reminder and promise that even when I do NOT know the plans HE does, and HE has it all under control.  I need to make sure that my DAILY plans line up with HIS and NOT mine!

The kiddos have been grumpy since daylight savings time.  They are waking up earlier and still going to bed at the same time.  Their naps are pretty much non existent.  Needless to say this makes for looong days, lots of correction, lots of snuggles, and a WHOLE HEAP of patience.  And while mommy is lacking on sleep patience some days, change that- some moments, patience can be hard to come by.

After getting everyone ready and dressed, we load up in the van...click, click, click. No this is not the sound of all the car seat buckles, but rather the sound the car is making.  No nice Vroom noise, just a bunch of clicks-ugh dead battery!  I call my husband to have him listen to the noise over the phone and confirm what I thought may be the problem(I know nothing about cars, so to guess right equals big time score for me!)

Sigh...unload all the kiddos.  Athaiah is screaming "No shopping, I go shopping." Note-she is all girl, can you tell? Elijah say "It needs new batteries." Which is his standard saying for what is wrong if something is broken, but yes son, today you are definitely correct.  The van needs a new battery. Another sigh, then the verse from above pops into my head. My plans for today must have been my own. I ask semi out loud, "then what are your plans today/

The two little ones run ahead, while I lag behind hauling the heavy car seat, and kind of dragging my feet because MY plans have been changed.  I tend to be a creature of habit and don't usually like sudden changes.  Although, these sweet children have definitely taught me to be more flexible.  Finally, we all make it back to the front door and battle with the dog to make it inside the house.  Athaiah immediately starts to rub her eyes so hard I think they might fall out.  She goes and gets her blanket, paci, and lulley and tell me she wants to rock.  Not 2 minutes later she is asleep.  Elijah is playing quietly with cars. My house is peaceful!

Ahhh God, now I know.  You had plans for peace today! Much better than my plan of grumpy kids and staying busy running errands, that (if truth be told) can wait until the weekend.  What a relief to know that His plans are always better than mine.  We had a quiet peaceful morning, Athaiah got an 1.5 hour nap...as you can guess this severely altered her disposition making her a happy girl, rather than one that screams all day.  And  let me tell you, this girl can scream!

What a wonderful reminder, and promise.  As I go about my day I need to consistently remember He knows my plans.  I need to make sure that I am following His plans for my life and not my own.  I am excited to see what this week holds-with one car we will be staying home all day every day this week.  It may just be the wonderful break in life we were looking for.

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