Sunday, April 5, 2015


Christ is Risen, HE is Risen INDEED!

I am so thankful this season(well really all the time!) for a Savior who died for my sins once and for all.  For the nails that pierced his hands and feet, and all the love that He has shown for me.  He has extended me grace and mercy when I do not deserve it.  Oh LORD thank you for all that you have done for me, and I pray that you will continue to allow me to live out your love in my life.  Let me lay down my life for my family and those around me.  Allow me to be your vessel, and LORD allow me to teach what a GREAT LOVE you have for us to my children.  So that they will one day come to know you and your love as well!

Easter is such a wonderful season of remembrance of all that Christ has done for us, and although we still do little things that point us to the world and not to Christ.  I have tried in everything that we did this season to some how bring it all back to Christ, and why we really celebrate Easter!

This year I decided to have the kids make their own Easter baskets out of paper plates.  I love to do crafts, and my kiddos like to do them to.  They can sometimes turn chaotic when you have 4 people 4 and under trying to do crafts together, but they always make for a lot of fun, and a lot of conversations. While we colored our Easter baskets I told them the Easter story, and why we celebrate this time of year. (If you want to make these for yourselves next year, I just googled it! They were super easy to make, and were a lot of fun!)
Take a look, they turned out so cute, and they are small which is perfect because we don't usually give them a whole lot(we all know small children don't really need any sugar, or they won't be sleeping for the next 6 weeks, in turn meaning we won't be sleeping for the next 6 weeks!)<---OK maybe that is a slight exaggeration.
 We also dyed Easter Eggs(which they were told will be saved for Easter Morning!).  They did really good, at not making messes...I was really, really impressed with this "craft" time!  The egg kit that we got had these awesome glasses and mustaches to add to the eggs once they were dry, meaning they got double the fun, dye and stickers!

AND of course, we made cookies, what is a holiday if you can't make sugar cookies?! Here are a few of them, the kids had fun with every aspect in this process as well, make the dough <--eat the dough!, roll it out, cut it out, bake them, make frosting, frost them, and last but not least cover them in sprinkles.  I mean come on, how could this not make for an entire day of adventure and fun!  I love getting to spend quality time with my kids, and each thing we did together, I quizzed them on the Easter story, and then told it to them again.  Such wonderful memories made with my children, and such wonderful memories they now have about the Easter story.  I swear my children listen, and learn better if they are doing something with their hands in the process. (even if it doesn't have too much to do with what we are talking about!)
All ready for Easter morning!
We celebrated Easter morning, with our Easter baskets, a new Easter book, and veggie tale movie!  We then made surprise rolls(linking it to the tomb being empty), and ate those for breakfast with our eggs.  We enjoyed a wonderful time at church with friends.
Momma's girl!
"big" kids
 My beautiful babies!
And we came home to a big lunch!  Finishing off with the Easter story read just one more time from our Jesus Storybook Bible!

What did you do this Easter?  How did you show your children the love and sacrifice of Christ during this wonderful season?  I always love to hear new ideas!

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