Oh big man! What would we do without you?! You are one now, seems like such a big milestone. I cannot believe a year ago I gave birth to my biggest bundle of love!! You are such a sweet joy to be around! You LOVE your siblings. Anytime they come into the room, your whole face lights up, and you put your arms out to them for a hug and a kiss! What a little lover you are! Anyone you meet you want to hug and kiss, or head butt(that seems to be your other sign of affection!)! You are so rough, yet so gentle. For as young as you are, you sure do love to tackle your siblings! They all know you can take them down quick! You like to play cars with your brother, but you are really more of a ball boy! You get sooo excited when you see a ball! You love to throw it, and chase it around the room! You also love your doggies! You refer to them both as good girl, they seem to love the attention you give them! You are such a good talker for being one! You are constantly surprising us with new words that you have learned! Your current favorite phrases are: "go get it" (often said when you throw the ball across the room!), "good girl" (your name for both dogs), "all done", and then you have so many single words I don't even think I can list them all! You are working on standing up by yourself, and you crawl ALL over the place! You are starting to walk, but you don't dare to let go, although you can cruise around the house with your walker one handed! Funny boy!

Your siblings insisted since you have a summer birthday that you needed ice cream cones! We settled for ice cream cone cupcakes. A twist on cake, and ice cream! I would say you enjoyed yourself!!
You figured out you could reach them, and helped yourself to some frosting!
You were a bit hesitant to try them, at first!
I'd say you decided it wasn't so bad after all!
All done, next up, a bath!
We love you sweet boy! We are looking forward to what this next year will bring us! You are our little lover, and our big man! I cannot wait to see how that manifests itself as you get older! You are my biggest one year old to date, but man are you cute! We cannot get enough of all those lovable rolls! They just make squeezing on you such a delight! We pray that you will get to know the Lord, and love Him! We also pray you will continue to have such a good relationship with your siblings, and continue in your sweet loving spirit!
Presents are WAY more fun to climb on then to actually open!
You were pretty excited to get some blocks, so you could play with the big kids!
Happy Birthday Noah! Here's to the next year!
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