Monday-Athaiah had to get her shots. Never fun, but I know it is a necessary evil and I actually hold myself together. I forgot to mention the appointment was during nap time! Elijah completely melted because he was ready for his nap, it was pretty sad because he normally does so good. I gave him a paci and a lulley and put him in the corner of the room, and told him to take a nap. He didn't fall asleep but thankfully he stayed there the whole time and didn't even get up to come see why his sister was crying. Athaiah was pretty good the rest of the day, thankfully. Night time was a whole other story...she was up every 30minutes just fussing. She would put herself back to sleep, but consequently that meant I was up every 30 minutes.
Tuesday- One very tired mommy! Elijah, who normally sleeps until 8, woke up at 7 which feels awful early when you have been up all night. Athaiah was clingy all day and would not sleep by herself, so every nap was taken on mommy's chest(which I really didn't mind). Athaiah, once again, was up most of the night fussing(and yes she was getting Tylenol).
Wednesday- BSF, so we get up bright and early. Get lunch ready and pack us all up so we can be in Wichita by 9am. We made it, I have no clue how, but we did. So thankful for that! It was nice to have a small break from the kiddos and get some much needed women and God time in! We had to keep Elijah up when we came home because McKids was coming to see him at 2:30 and by the time we are done with lunch it is 1:00. He made it but barely, he started throwing everything by the end of the visit because he was so tired. He got to lay down about 3:30 just in time for me to get ready for work. (Oh yeah, I have worked every evening until between 11 and 12, which definitely didn't help the sleep issue at all).
Thursday-Athaiah up at 5:30am and Elijah up at 6:30am. (I worked until 12 last night)Both kids whining and grumpy all day. They both felt like the needed to sit in mommy's lap all day. Now we are on day 4 of little sleep for mommy, a lot of work for mommy, and nothing done around the house because the kids needed so much attention. Which resulted in a stressed mommy! Normally I absolutely love cuddle time, but I will admit it was really wearing on me. I couldn't give them the attention that they needed and it made me sad. And the house looked like something blew up in it and that just made for a stressful environment. They were fighting their afternoon naps, so we spent 45minutes in the tub playing, so we could all be happy and relax a bit. Then it was nap time!
Friday- I have to get some much needed cleaning done as we have a friend coming into town tonight to spend the weekend with us. I felt like super mom on Friday-the only day this week(well let's admit it probably ever). I got the grocery shopping done, house cleaned top to bottom, lunch made and on the table for Greg, laundry done and mostly folded...AND took care of 2 semi crabby kids who needed a lot of attention. But I got everything done just in time for me to head off to work. But at least this day I left for work feeling like I accomplished something instead of feeling like we were barely floating. Our friend got in around 11pm that evening, and I was able to leave work at 10pm, so I got to chill a bit before the company came.
Saturday- MUCH BETTER! Got to spend the day with my husband(well, part of the day). We went to a car show in Salina. To Target for some diapers, because I had some coupons, and then out to lunch at chili's! We came home and I was so tired and so were the kiddos, the 3 of us decided to take a 2 hr nap. We woke up at 5, so I quick rushed to get dinner ready, because I had to be at work at 6pm. But overall, a much better day and a much needed nap after such a long week.
I wouldn't have made it this week, without constant prayer asking for strength. Looking back, I'm quite surprised we made it. I'm exhausted today and the kids seem to be now, although neither one would take their afternoon nap today(of course). They both went to be at 7:15 tonight, let's just hope I don't regret that come morning. Well since the kiddos are asleep, I should probably head there myself just in case they are up with the sun! Hope everyone else's week was better than mine. Here's to hoping this week goes a bit better-or at least allows for a little more sleep at night.
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