Thursday, May 17, 2012


Well all of my little seeds that I have planted have begun to sprout.  They are turning into some fine looking plants.  Although I seem to have an animal that is liking to bite the tops off of some of my plants which makes me not too happy.  Overall they are doing extremely well though!

I started weeding the garden today.  Yes you heard that right, just now starting.  Since I have not planted anything before I wanted to make sure I knew what was a plant and what was a weed.  So I got to work today on it.  It is only about half weeded but for me getting started is half the battle, especially with two little ones running around.  I have found it a bit hard some days to get out there and just makes sure to water the plants.  We shall see how it all goes over once I go back to work-which I'm sad to say is Monday. Man did this time fly by, but it has been a huge blessing but more on that later!

I still can't see much of my carrots which makes me a bit sad because Elijah loves carrots! I do however see my bean and pea plants growing leaps and bounds everyday.  Same with my onion and garlic.  My tomato and cucumber plants have not grown too much at this point in time but they are starting to flower which makes me very excited.  My pepper plants are growing but no flowers yet, and this weekend I have to get my herbs planted in my planters.  We are also hopefully going to get some compost and put our new grass seed in to see if we can get the front lawn looking any better.  If it works there maybe next year we will tackle the back yard a bit harder!

On a side note- if anyone know a really good homemade salsa recipe I would love to have it.  I don't like salsa but my husband does and I would like to make some with all our fresh herbs and veggies we are growing. I'm just not so good at making up recipes when I don't like the taste of it to start, makes it hard to know when I found a good one!  I'm also looking for a good spaghetti sauce recipe but I will probably just try to make some of those up since I love spaghetti, but if you have a good starting recipe that would be amazing!

1 comment:

  1. You gotta collect your old fruit and veggie remains and old coffee grinds for your compost!
