Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My daddy was here...

It was so wonderful to have my dad here this past week.  We had a ton of fun with him and he really helped us out around the house.  So good to have such a wonderful dad who is always willing to help us out when he is on vacation.
First, he started working more with Elijah on his walking.  I have to say in the week he was here, Elijah has gotten quite a bit better. He still will not let go of us when standing still-he's not totally sure he is brave enough to stand on his own yet! But I'm not rushing it too much, he likes to get into everything like every good child does, so I'm fine with just crawling at this point!

Second, he snuggled Athaiah a lot.  Which is great, because she loves to be held.  She knows the instant you put her down and will usually start fussing so she can get back into your arms. She definitely loves to snuggle(which always makes me happy-there is not much better than baby snuggles)

Third, he did the dishes! This is huge for me since usually I'm the only one that does them here, so it was absolutely amazing to have them done after every meal and to not see a huge pile in the sink(like there is now).

Forth, we got a lot of good talks in and did a lot of catching up and reminiscing which is always a wonderful thing to get to do, since I don't get to see family very often being so far away.

Fifth, he totally updated my yard/garden for me.  I told him I wanted to dig out a whole area of plants and put in veggies, so guess what he did.  He dug it all up and now I have all kinds of veggie plants growing! 
Then I told him I really needed to clean out the other flower beds and rearrange some stuff, and put some more perennials in so that I didn't have to plant so many flowers every year.  So guess what? He got out the shovel and dug up a bunch of plants to thin it out and organize it. He also bought us a beautiful Rose bush, and some perenial seeds!
Put a new flower bed out in front of the house-which I have been wanting to do since we moved in. 
He even worked with Greg on putting landscape timbers in to give the beds some slight definition!  Let's just say I love it all so very much!  Don't you think it looks great? (disclaimer-don't mind some of the wilty looking plants, those are some that we transplanted but will come back looking better next year since they were already starting to bloom when we dug them up)

I will follow up my gardening in some other posts, because I will admit I don't have the greenest thumb, although it does run deep in my family so hopefully I will be able to tap into it for all these wonderful new plants!

He also bought us some fertilizer/dandilion killer, and some new grass seed.  Needless to say our yard looks a bit sad, but will look much better.  I will do a follow up on this one also since you can't see the fertilizer or grass seed!

It was an amazing week and we were all very sad to see him leave yesterday, but look forward to hopefully seeing him sometime soon! Now we are looking forward to this coming weekend when we travel via plane(for the first time with children) to KY for my brother in laws wedding! YEAH more family time, and a wonderful addition to the Turley family!

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