Thursday, June 28, 2012


Well I think things are beginning to change around here.  My little man seems to be fighting his morning naps.  I am a bit sad and I keep putting him down for them still.  He doesn't ever sleep though he sits in his crib and talks and plays with his stuffed animals.  So I may have to reevaluate putting him dow.  I'm glad he is getting to be a big boy, but I'm a bit sad that one of his naps my be disappearing.  He ususally needs them or at least some quiet time or he gets cranky as all get out.  We shall see where this next week leads.  If he continues to just play I will probably just stop laying him down unless he asks. (and yes my child will ask to go to bed if he is tired, we are extremely blessed!)
 Yes he is sitting on the table, he learned how to climb and is becoming a pro!

He has also been getting a really bad diaper rash, so far desitin and butt paste are not working too well.  We have also done some baking soda baths and it seems to calm it for a bit but not anything long term.  I have read that browned flour works well for diaper rash but have yet to try it.  Has anyone ever tried this before??? If you have did it work? Just curious-not really feeling like messing with it if it isn't going to work.  I have also thought about getting a big boy potty and seeing if he is ready for that-as it appears his bottom has had enough diapers!  We will see if I am brave enough to try as he is still so little and not walking on his own.  He is a smart learning though so maybe he will be ready.  Anybody have any potty training tips? We will need to start looking into it soon enough!

My big boy is also starting to want to walk-not on his own mind you.  BUT he does want to hold my hand everywhere, so I am taking that as good news as he isn't so nervous about using his feet.  Maybe my 18months he will finally take a step on his own.  I never thought it would take this long, but he really isn't in any hurry so I'm not going to rush him.

My baby will be 12wks old tomorrow.  Where has the time gone? She is chewing on her hands and drooling a lot, makes me a bit nervous that she may be working on teeth already but only time will tell.  She is still a good nurser and usually has one 4 hour chunk a night that she lets me sleep for, which I greatly appreciae.  She loves to be held and snuggled(um more like smothered or suffocated.)  She burrows into you and sometime I feel like she can't breathe, but it is so sweet. She loves to sit in the bumbo seat and watch her brother and dog run(crawl) all around her.  I love watching her just take everything in, she watches so close and is so attentive!
daddy caught her with her tongue out!

1 comment:

  1. Try to get an rx for "magic butt cream" I've heard its a miracle worker!!
