Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I am a huge breastfeeding supporter.  I believe it is what God has called me to do in my children's life.  I am blessed that I am able to breastfeed and do not have any medical reason as to why I cannot or why I am not able.  God has also blessed me with two children who are amazing at nursing.  Before you go thinking I am crazy my oldest is weaned-he actually weaned himself at 10 months.  We are pretty sure it was because I was pregnant with my other child and we have been told sometimes a mother's milk changes in her second trimester and the older child will either not notice a difference and keep on nursing.  Or notice a difference and stop completely.  He apparently did the later!

I think every mother should at least attempt to breastfeed.  There are so many benefits they are almost too many to count in my book.  It helps you loose that weight a lot faster than not.  My baby is 8 wks old and I am almost back to my pre pregnancy weight.  Do I still have some flab- sure but that will go away in time. 

I love knowing that I am giving my children what is best for them.  I love being able to supply their every need while they need it.  Soon enough they will not need me for everything and to tell you the truth that makes me a bit sad.  I look forward to seeing them grow, but at the same time I pray they will slow down.  They just grow waaayyy too fast.  I miss my snugly newborn already.  But I love that she is all smiles and has started vocalizing.  I miss my baby boy and all his chubbies.  Now he is still a big boy but not nearly how he was.  He is now trying to walk and is quite independent.  I am blessed however that he still loves his mommy snuggles.  Every morning he has his milk, we get him dressed, and then we go snuggle on the couch and read our Bible for the day. I cherish this time like none other.  I know that time is fleeting and before I know if he will be a grown man leaving for college or getting married. So for now I love my little man and cherish EVERY moment I have with him.

It is free! That is a huge reason I resolved to do it with Elijah.  We simply did not have the money for formula.  I honestly didn't think I would like it or that I would be able to.  Well guess what I could, I loved it and still do, and I don't have to spend any money for food for the first 6 months.  Elijah wouldn't eat anything else until he was 6 month old.  He only wanted me to feed him.  He even fought the bottle and Greg had to bring him up to work a couple of times so I could nurse him!

It's more than just food.  Both of my children loved to be nursed to sleep.  If they were sleepy they would nurse for a couple of minutes and out they would be.  All snuggled up with mommy and in my arms.  I love a sleeping baby, especially one I can hold and snuggle.  They always slept better when they were nursed to sleep and I loved the feeling of them falling asleep in my arms.

It's convenient.  I always giggle to myself when people say a bottle is more convenient than breastfeeding. I ask how??? It is always ready, always just the right temperature, and there is no mixing or messy formula needed.  It is just ready to go.  You also don't have to wash all the bottles unless you are pumping!  In the middle of the night I don't have to stumble around to find the bottle and make sure I mixed everything just right.  I can just nurse and be done!  Often times we fall asleep together and I love that snuggle time. 

I love my middle of the night feedings.  Yes you heard me right.  I LOVE them.  It is just me and the baby.  We snuggle and doze off together at times.  Sometimes I pray over them, or hum songs to them.  But it is alone time for us.  There is nothing more precious.  I also know the time will come when they no longer want to nurse all night and I will be able to sleep so for this short amount of time, it is fine with me. I will cherish and love the moments I am given with my children.

So there you have it.  I love to nurse.  I am proud to nurse.  I also LOVE to be awake and loose sleep because I am nursing them. It means the world to me that I am able to do this amazing thing.


  1. Ash, you are such an incredible mom! I love reading about how much you cherish this special time with them! Thank you for the wonderful example that you set!!!

    Also, the honey trick has worked wonders!!!

    Love you!!!

  2. When I clicked on your link "nursing," I thought it was going to be about going back to school. lol

  3. @ Darla haha, you're so funny!
    @ Becky, Thank you so much I really enjoy being a mom and spending all the time I can with my children.
