Saturday, June 9, 2012

The start of a harvest

I harvested my first two pea pods yesterday and can I just say I am so excited!  I honestly can't put into words how happy I am that I didn't kill them and that I am starting to get some food.  They grow overnight.  Yesterday I had the beginning of some pods and then today I had two big fat pods.  I am going to have to remember to examine my pea plants real close to make sure I don't miss any.
 My green bean plants are growing like crazy they keep getting taller and taller. Amazing, hopefully soon I will see something come on them as they are supposed to be ready shortly after the peas.
My peppers have finally started coming in. At least one type of my peppers.  The ones that are good for frying, so stir fry and fajitas will be made shortly!
 I have a second tomato plant that has 3 small tomatoes on it.  One of my pear tomato plants is also starting to flower and has some itty bitty ones on the branches.  So that makes like 10 tomatoes in the process.  YEAH! I need to get busy researching some recipes so I can make something up that is super yummy.
My carrots are getting taller so I can only assume that means good things.
My onions are starting to get a little droopy and some of them are even starting to flower at the top!  I still have a little while before I can use one of these but they seem to be growing faster than the package says they should so who knows.

My herbs are also starting to make a small appearance.  I can't wait to use these in my cooking because they taste like 100x better than just the stuff in the container.

Well that is how my garden is growing this week and I am just so very excited to see all the progress and to know that my hard work really is paying off.  Thank you again to my dad and Sheryl for teaching me how to garden. It helps a lot when you have good mentors teaching you what to do!

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