Wednesday, June 20, 2012


My veggies are doing so good and it makes me so excited. When we came back from our weekend away we had 5 cucumbers to pick and eat.  We kept 3 and I gave 2 away as there was no way we could eat that many so quickly.  There were 2 more on the vine that would be ready any day.  I picked 1 today and the other should be ready by this weekend! I need to find some cucumber recipes I feel.  Although, both of the boys absolutely love to just eat them as they are.

We also got to pick a couple more pea pods when we got home.  When I looked today there were about 10 more that should be ready any time, I will probably pick them tomorrow.  Elijah loves to eat the peas straight out of the pod, he thinks it is funny to open it up and see all the little "balls."

We were our weeding today and I noticed I have green beans.  I'm going to save them to pick tomorrow.  There are quite a few we should have enough to have some for lunch.  I love fresh veggies and Elijah really seems to love them as well. Yeah for him liking fruits and veggies!

The tomato plants continue to get more and more tomatoes on them, although they are still all green.  I'm so antsy I just want them to get red now so I can make a fun sauce out of them.  Greg reminds me every day, it's just June just be patient they will turn red soon.  Poor man everyday I'm dragging him out to the garden to look at what is coming along with me.  I don't really know that he cares that much, but he knows it makes me happy so he goes along with it. What a wonderful man.

I also picked some of my onions, not because they were ready necessarily.  I wanted some fresh green onions to chop and put in food.  They smell soooo good! I love the smell of them.  I picked 4 that were close to other onions so the others would have more room to grow and then I could use the small ones in the meantime.

My carrots continue to get bigger as do the broccoli.  My broccoli is like miracle broccoli.  I almost pulled them up because those little worms ate them all up.  I just couldn't bring myself to do it.  Well, now I am so glad that I didn't they are growing and one of the plants is huge! It grew up from nothing what a wonderful thing.

I am having so much fun with this! I'm glad you are sharing in my journey on something new.  I did by a 3 in one deal to spray on the plants because I was getting white flies and they were starting to eat my beans, broccoli, cucumber, and peppers.  So it is a fungicide and insect killer all in one.  It appears to be working, I haven't seen any white flies since we got back from vacation.  I also added some plant food to the soil, just since the soil here is like clay.  I figured it would hurt it any, hopefully it won't and it will help things grow a bit better.

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