Wednesday, June 6, 2012


 I have resolved in the past week that I will not spend any time on the computer, and to only do light house work while they are awake.  You may think this seems crazy, but I want them to know that I love them and that they are more important to me than any technology or than having a clean house.  He still takes two naps a day and that should leave me plenty of time to get done what I need.  My bathroom may not be scrubbed so that it is sparkling but you will find happy well loved children.  I am some what of a neat freak so this is something I am slowly learning to let go off.  As far as the house does not have to be perfectly clean at all times, it can be tidy and that will suit us jus fine.  Afterall you can't keep it too clean with kids running around.  We only have one opportunity to raise our children up in the Lord before they are grown and gone, so I am going to make the most of every moment I have with them.

I will do my best to be patient, show self control, be compassionate to others. I need to make sure I am growing the fruits of the Spirit daily in my own life, so that they may see this fruit in my life and want to imitate it. This is rough at times, but each experience is a chance to grow in our walk with the Lord and I will take it as such.

I have also resolved not to yell- I feel that yelling just is a downer in the house. I will still correct my children but it will be with a soft and stern whisper. I have know people who come from this type of environment and they still knew their parents meant business even without the yelling.  This has honestly been the hardest thing I have resolved to do thus far.  Yelling is what I knew, and I can have a quick temper at times.  I will say since I have come to Kansas(that has been almost 4 years now) I have not had one anger outburst.  I would say the calm atmosphere out here helps and the laid back attitude of everyone is also a blessing in disguise. Please pray that I will continue in this way.  This is something I am constantly fearful of coming out now that I have children and one in particular who is starting to learn how to get into trouble without much work!

I have resolved to spend more time in the Word than ever before.  I have finally(I say finally because it seems it has really been hit home in the past week how much more I really need this and how much more I need to pay attention and memorize it) realized how essential the Bible is to teaching and training up your children.  If I do not know exactly what the scriptures say about an issue, how can I train my children?  I must know this book inside and out so that it may affect my life and the lives of those around me.  I pray they will see a difference in me and my family and wonder what it is that makes us so different and unique. That way we can be a light unto the world just as we are called to be.

I have resolved to be constantly learning...learning everything in life.  About nature and the little things I don't know so that I can help my children in any way I am able.  I want to be able to ask them questions and for them to ask me questions and for me to know that answers.  Now I know I will not know the answer to every question, but I resolve to search out the correct answer so that I may be able to train them well.

I will resolve to be content in where I am in life.  I will not try to rush things, I will take my time and love where we are and learn from each stage I am in.  If I learn now hopefully I will not have to go through it again as I have learned my lesson the first time!

I have resolved to be a better steward with the money we are given.  At times honestly it is hard to make ends meet.  But the Lord has always provided.  I need to make sure the money that we have is being spent in an efficient way.  In a way that I can provide for the family but also in a way that I am making it go as far as possible.  I will try to save when possible and I resolve to get out of debt one way or another.  This is something we struggle with all the time, we hate being in debt and because of many of life's circumstances we are in debt.  We are trying to get out and it is an up hill battle it seems but there is a light at the end of this long tunnel.  I have to believe that to give me something to look forward to!  I know God commands us to live debt free and we repent for the money we spent even though it seemed good at the time, we should always be better stewards with our money.

I will resolve to leave the number of children that I have with God.  He knows what is best for my life and I will trust and lean on this fact.  I do not want to miss out on any blessings and I believe children are some of the best blessings you can receive in this life. (yes they can be a challenge at times, but they will teach you things as you go through them)

I'm sure I will have more to add to this list, but in the past weeks these things have really been hitting home with me and I want to make sure I am the best mommy for my children.  God has blessed me with them, He knew I could handle it and He knew that I would train them in the way they should go. Since He knows I can do it, I must rise up to the challenge and train my children up in His way and His way alone so they may grow up to know Him as well.

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