I absolutely loved the tie and bow tie onesies that I made for Elijah. Problem was that with the red felt and the white onesie it bled a bit when washed. Not bad or anything...but just enough to notice slight pink color on the onesie. I also really wanted more, but didn't want to sew them all onto the onesie, although it is by no means hard to do there had to be an easier way! Well I found it, so here it is! I hope you like it as much as I do because I love it. I found out I'm going to be an aunt for the first time and am thrilled beyond belief. I wanted to make something special for my new little nephew and these onesies seemed to be the perfect thing!
What you are going to need:
Sewing machine
Fabric of your choosing
Take your onesie and near the top of it(neck line), place a snap! I used the pointed end of the snap on the onesie so that it matched the rest of the front of the snaps on the front of the onesie. Mainly because I'm just OCD like that(feel free to use whatever end you prefer!) I placed the snap about 1" down from the neckline, and right in the center. (I really shouldn't say I put the snap there because to be honest, my husband is in charge of attaching the snaps!)
Next make all of your bow ties and ties. This really is easy to do. I'm going to have to explain it to you as I forgot to take pictures during this part-must be the mommy, post surgery brain I was having while making these!
To make the tie: I folded a piece of fabric in half, so that you can make it nice looking on both sides. It was about 4" in length as this was for a 0-3mo onesie so it doesn't need to be too big! I just took a stencil of the tie, similar to how I did it the first time around, cutting it out in the shape of a tie-just make sure when you make the stencil that it is about 1" wider than you need it to be so you have 1/2" seam allowance on either side. Putting the right sides of the fabric together I sewed the whole outside of the tie together, leaving the top unsewn so you can flip the tie right side out. Iron the tie so it is all straight and neat, then sew the top part of the tie together tucking the top edge like 1/4" under so you have a nice straight edge! You will then slide the knot part(see below) over the top of the tie and down to the section that goes in bit(where you would normally see a knot on a tie) It is now ready to be attached to the onesie!
To make the knot: Cut out a piece of fabric about 1" wide and 2" long so that you can make the knot part of the tie. This knot part is where I attached the other side of the snap. For this to look nice, I put a seam on both sides about 1/4" wide so that you have nice straight edges that are not going to fray. Next turn your fabric so the right sides are together and sew it together using 1/4" seam allowance again. Turn it right side out again and now you should have a circle. Attach a Snap to the bottom area where the seam now is, as this will go on the bottom side of the tie and attach the tie to the onesie. You will make one of these for the tie know and for each of the bow ties. I won't explain this part again, just an fyi-so when I say put the knot on it is this section and the circle that you now have is the knot!
To make the bow tie: Fold your fabric in half so you will have 2 pieces of fabric to sew together. Cut your fabric so that it is 2.5" wide and 4.5" long. You are going to use 1/4" seam allowance on all sides. Put the right sides of the fabric together and sew up 3 of the sides. Turn the fabric right side out and sew up the last side, tucking 1/4" of the fabric on the inside so you have a nice finished edge. You should have a rectangular shaped piece of fabric. Now you just slide your knot over the fabric and place it in the middle, it should pull the fabric together so it looks like a bow tie.

Simple! Quick! Easy! Amazing! Maybe I'm just partial but I love that you can now interchange the ties and bow ties to create whatever look you want and you don't have to use as many onesies. I made baby Oliver a red, blue, grey, and camo bow tie! Red and blue since those are mommy and daddy's school colors, grey because well it was a dressy fabric, and camo because his daddy likes to hunt. I also made a camo tie just for kicks and giggles!