Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Banana Berry Freezer Jam

Banana Berry Jam
What you need:
Strawberries-3 cups, mashed(little over 2lbs)
Blueberries-1/2 cup(mashed)
Lemon Juice 2TBSP
Instant Pectin 6 TBSP
Sugar 2 cups
 Step 1: You guessed it wash the jars!
 Step 2: Wash and hull the strawberries
Step 3: Mash the berries one layer at a time, in a separate bowl mash the bananas and blueberries(add lemon juice and mix well)
Step 4: Mix Pectin and Sugar together in a big bowl, add the bananas and berries
 Step 5: Stir for 3 minutes(my big helper, isn't he sweet?!)
Step 6: Pour into jars! Make sure you leave a 1/2" at the top so it can expand when frozen! Let stand for 30 minutes!
Step 7: Enjoy!!! Or you can keep it in the fridge for 3 weeks or the freezer for 1 year.
Now I have a freezer full of yummy jam to enjoy over the next year.  I do love just plain raspberry, BUT since we are in the middle of Kansas they are too expensive to buy.  Maybe someday soon we will plant some berry bushes/plants so I can pick my own again! Here's to wishful thinking!

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