Friday, January 20, 2012

Burp Cloth

I decided since we are having a girl next time why not dress up the burp cloth a little, just for fun.  I only did 2, because they don't really need to be fancy after all they are for catching spit up.

Burp Cloths(cloth diapers)- Wash before so they shrink before you add the fabric
Fabric of your choice- I did pink with polka dots

 1. Lay the Burp cloth out on the Fabric

2. Cut the fabric so that you have abou 1/2" on all sides

3. Fold the edges of the fabric under so they match up with the burp cloth, pin in place.

4. Sew up all sides close the edge of the fabric.  I sew it on the other side of the hem of the burp cloth.

5. You are finished and now you have something a little bit nicer than a white rag to throw over your shoulder!
Note: I always make sure to have the tag of the cloth on the inside, then there are no blemishes!

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