Friday, January 6, 2012

Laundry Detergent

Homemade Laundry Detergent

What you NEED:
5 gal bucket
4-5 gal water                                               
1 c washing soda
1 5 oz bar grated soap (ZOTE, or FelsNaptha!)
3/4 c borax

In a saucepan, grate the bar of soap and add just enough water to cover the soap.

Heat until it is all melted down.
In a bucket fill with water, leave room to add the soap mixture.

Stir in the borax and washing soda. Pour in soap mixture and mix well.

I used warm water so the borax and washing soda would dissolve, so I let it cool and then poured it into containers for later use. (I just used old laundry containers, since I knew I wanted to make some when mine was gone, you can also use old milk jugs or keep it in the bucket)  You need 1/2c for each Large load of laundry.  This works really well! I would recommend it to anyone, especially since it is quite inexpensive.

UPDATE(3/23/2015)- Couple of notes on this, now that I have been making this for several years I have a couple of recommendations!
1. If you want to skip the whole melting the soap thing, use Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild soap...You can buy it on Amazon-click here!
2. I personal preference when melting down the soap-I prefer the ZOTE...It melts a LOT faster! I like to save time(and money!) anyway that I can.  Also the ZOTE comes in a bigger bar(14oz), this enables you to get 10 gallons instead of 5! I am all about saving time, and getting more bang for my buck!
3. If you like Essential Oils, feel free to add them.  Just remember that when adding the oils, not to use an empty milk jug since it is made of plastic.  You would need to then store it in a glass container.

I also have this awesome new glass container to put all my laundry soap in.  It is an old drink dispenser, and I LOVE it!  Helps make my laundry area look just a tad nicer!

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