Friday, June 21, 2013

It's A...Part 2

The decision has been made-this new baby will come via C-section because God knows what is best and we are going to go ahead and do it today, rather than wait until tomorrow.  We are all excited.  I was hoping they would let me go home for a bit-no such luck.  I get to hang out in the hospital all day.  Good news-no one is scheduled for any surgeries so we can go in whenever everyone can get here.  Bad news- I obeyed Dr's orders and ate a light breakfast, this means we have to wait 8-10 hrs from my last meal before we can go ahead with the surgery. This will put the surgery somewhere between 3 and 4 in the afternoon.  Not too bad-but what on earth am I going to do in a hospital all day.  Greg decided to go home and relieve our wonderful friend-who got up at the crack of dawn so we could go in for the x-ray.

Here I am stuck in a hospital all day by myself.  I decided to look on the bright side. By this afternoon I would have 3 children 2 and under, so today would be my day of rest and relaxation before the chaos begins.  God gave me a day of rest-what a wonderful thing and what wonderful timing.  Working full time and having small children can really drain your energy some days.  I dozed off and on all day and really enjoyed the time that I had to myself.  I really didn't do anything all day-how often can I say that.  I will tell you how often NEVER! There is always something to be done, but today my job was to eat nothing, rest, and then go in for surgery and have a baby.  My anticipation grew all day...we waited to find out what this baby was going to be and it made the day seem long at some points as I would daydream about what it would be or who it would look like.

I was reminded all day long that God was in control and that He knew the plans for my life and for the life of this new little one.  He knew why we needed the surgery.  He knew I needed a day of rest.  He knew I needed some naps uninterrupted by children or phone calls from work.  He knew!  That was all that mattered.

I talked on the phone with family, I got to know the nurses a bit better, and I got rest.  Notice I am so excited about the rest.  I thought I would be bored out of my mind and go stir crazy, especially since I am the type of person that likes to stay really busy all the time. But I didn't, it felt so good to just do nothing all day, and to know that I wasn't expected to do anything.

Thank you God for allowing me to rest.  Thank you that in your perfect plan YOU alone knew a day of rest for me would be beyond needed.  YOU knew it was what I needed.  It was in your perfect plan that you allowed for me to have a day to spend just the two of us.  Reflecting on life, on decisions, and on where we are going.  You are so good to just reveal one step of the way at a time. You never give us more than we can handle and you give us enough information to get us to the next step and that is it.  We don't need to see the big picture, and although I love to see the big picture, I know it is sometimes best to just trust in you and your wonderful promises. You grant us a peace like no other, a peace that can only be found in you, and I could not be more thankful to you for that wonderful gift of peace!

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