Saturday, June 22, 2013

It's A...Part 3

I promise this is the last post(at least I think it is), it is a long birth story, but it is something that I learned a lot from and I just feel so refreshed and I feel like a new person.  Something I was not expecting to feel like after going through surgery and being on an emotional roller coaster!

It's time for surgery! Yeah.  I'm getting prepped and everything is going into place.  Epidurals they are a wonderful thing-but they hurt like crazy(in my opinion) going in when you are not currently in labor because you feel everything.  If you are having contractions then guess what, you feel the contractions and not the extra pressure on your back, no contractions equals a lot of pressure and pain. I might also add here that I am a total wimp when it comes to pain.  I absolutely hate pain in any way shape or form and can be a baby. Plus today I seem extra emotional since I am learning so much, and have been told we can't follow through with the plans we had made. I think that makes the pain a bit worse and something I didn't really want on top of everything else.  But trust me, so worth it, because then you are awake for the birth of your little one, and when you are done they give you some morphine through it so you are nice and numb for a good while after surgery.

I'm laying on the table-relaxed as can be(honestly really relaxed, the medicine tends to put you in that state of mind).  The anesthesiologist leans down and says "baby time, are you ready?" I told him yep!  He keeps his eyes glued over the drape so he can let me know as soon as it arrives.  I love that they give you a play by play if you want them to.  I always like to know what is going on.  I don't necessarily want to see it as it is happening, but knowing is kind of fun.  Maybe it's the medical person in me.  I then hear the Dr say "that's not a foot, that's a head" I look up to the anesthesiologist, and then I look over at Greg-just to make sure I am hearing things correctly..a HEAD, no that should be a butt or a foot, this baby is breech remember, you should not be pulling out a head first.  Then I hear the other Dr say "ha, and it's face down" WHAT!  My baby is head down and face down-exactly the position that we needed it to be in so we could induce that morning, but that morning this baby was breech.  Again I am a bit taken a back but everything happens so fast, I mean this is surgery and they do hurry to get the baby out.  Greg looks at me and says "what did they just say?" I look back, smile and shake my head "the baby is head down, face down, it is ready to be delivered naturally, it is how we needed/wanted it to be this morning-go figure huh?" God does have a sense of humor doesn't he.  I am reminded of this quite often especially with little ones running around.  I'm glad I had accepted the day the way that it was and was fine with the surgery, and over the disappointment-otherwise at this point in time I may have just broken down and cried. 

It's a girl!! What fun words to hear(honestly it would have been fun either way), I love that this baby was a surprise it made the suspense so much fun and all the waiting so very worth it(although, it is worth it even when you know what it is)!  We are so blessed to welcome this wonderful baby girl into the family.  Greg got to go over and take some pictures while they were weighing her, they even asked if he wanted to cut the cord. He quickly said no and came and sat back down behind the curtain with me(blood and him don't quite mix)!  He said "Ashley she has a lot of hair and it's dark." I say "well all our kids had dark hair when they were born and they were born with hair they just lost it all" "No really," he says "it's really dark."  Here she comes, my baby girl.  I got to give her a small kiss and hold a little hand, the took off her hat and OH my goodness! She has a lot of DARK hair, I mean like black hair.  I have no clue where that came from. What a sweet bundle of goodness she is!  8lbs 7ozs and absolutely perfect, chubby little arms, and jet black hair! There is no denying she is ours, she looks just like her older siblings...she has the same tiny little facial features like her big sister Athaiah, and she has chunky arms and thighs like her brother. A perfect little combo is what we got for baby #3.

Avery Grace you are a wonderful gift from God.  We pray you will grow up to know the Lord and that you will be strong and courageous for him.  We pray you get along well with your older siblings.  Your brother has already taken on the role of the big protector.  If you start to fuss or cry he demands we get you a binker.  If you are squirmy, he says you need a blanket.  If your big sister gets to close, he holds her off and says "careful with baby sister" Your big brother screams if we try and take our turn holding you, because you are HIS baby sister and he just wants to rock you and smooch on you all day long! You are blessed to have a good big brother who loves you.  Your big sister, well she is still pretty little.  She comes and gives you kisses, she looks at you, but mainly she is busy all the time and doesn't have the time to sit and hold you.  She did just learn to walk, so give her a break-we know she loves you, she just wants to explore.  She is interested in you, and not quite sure about you at the same time, after all, you do get a lot of mommy's attention, and she is a mommy's girl.  You fit in so perfect and add so much to this family!  We all love you and couldn't have asked for a better or sweeter baby!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Congratulations Turley family and welcome to the world Avery Grace
