Saturday, June 29, 2013

Road Trip!

I'm so excited...we got to take Avery on her first road trip.  She, well let's face it all of the kiddos, did excellent.  I do think, unfortunately, the car seat rubbed on Avery's umbilical cord a bit as it had a bit of blood around the edges-but other than that everything went amazing!

We decided to go back home, for a friend of mine's wedding-something I wouldn't miss unless I absolutely had to. Soo back to Michigan we went-me 1 week post C-section, with our 1 week old baby, a 14 month old baby, and our 2 year old.  Yes, some days I think maybe we must be crazy.  But everything was amazing and so smooth!  We had a total of 2, did you see that 2!! meltdowns, 1 from Athaiah due to being over tired and tired of being stuck in a car seat, and 1 from Avery during a stop when we were changing diapers-the car had been turned off and the poor girl was dripping in sweat, once she cooled off she was back to being our little angel.  For a 16 hour car ride,split between 2 days I think that is extremely amazing.

We got to watch Cars, Cars 2, and a Veggie Tales movie.  The kids and I had a blast.  I even brought one of those splash water balls-and we played catch just the 3 of us in the backseat.  I know it sounds a bit dangerous, but they were in the way back and I was in one of the back captain chairs.  Also, please remember they are 1 and 2 so they do not throw very far-in fact most of the time it hit the floor by my feet.  All that matters is they had fun and it kept them entertained for about 30min(great in my opinion for killing time).  They also read books- to themselves and had so much fun looking over them and pointing at all the pictures.

Well, we are here now and are looking to such an amazing week relaxing and spending time with our families. It is always so good to get to see everyone since we don't get to see them that often.  A blessing to have technology such as Skype so we can keep in touch with family and the kids can see their faces.  Wonderful because then we come home and they know who is who and go right to them giving them hugs and kisses.  Although, my children are pretty friendly and I'm sure even without it they would go right to them and give out lots of hugs and kisses.

I will post an update when we get back! Oh and I am posting this from my computer! Yeah-thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa! I am so thankful to have my computer back and in working order.  That means I can start adding pictures again! The post when we get back should be full of pictures-may have to do several, so I don't overwhelm anyone with our amazing trip home.  Well off I go to go play with the kiddos and spend time with the family.  Just couldn't resist posting about what a special thing we are able to do!

Thank you God for watching over us on our trip home.  Thank you for letting the kids behave and do so extremely well, especially for their ages!  Thank you for allowing us this special time to be able to spend with family.  Thank you for letting everything go well with the delivery of our new little one, so that we were able to go home for this wedding and to get to see all of our wonderful family members! Thank you for providing everything that we needed, and just when we needed it.  What a wonderful, giving, and caring God we serve.  One that has perfect timing in everything thing that He does!

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