Monday, June 3, 2013

Weekend fun!

The past two weekends have been absolutely amazing!  I just wanted to share that, they have been a slice of heaven on earth!  I am so blessed to have such a wonderful and patient husband who loves to go with the flow.  I wish I could get pictures up on here-then you could see the excitement in every one's faces, but alas words will have to do for now!

Memorial Weekend:
Saturday-family time galore!  We had so much fun just hanging out as a family.  We went on a family bike ride.  We had just gotten the kids a "new" bike trailer, so we can all finally ride together.  Greg and I both love to ride bikes, and we have been looking forward to being able to take them out for so long! The kids LOVED it.  In fact, Elijah has been asking for a bike trailer ride since.  We spend the whole day not really worrying about getting anything done around the house-but spent the whole day just playing outside!  We washed daddy's car, and we put up the kiddie pool and the sand box and the kids had a blast playing in both!  Elijah also loved washing the car because he got to play with soap and water-two of his favorite things these days!

Sunday-We relaxed and hung out all day.  Decided instead of waiting until Monday for our burgers we would enjoy them today instead(mainly because mommy was craving them NOW and didn't want to wait).  There was cheeseburgers, orange fluff, chips, and corn on the cob and we all had a ton of fun devouring everything! Nothing like a burger night-I love that they are simple, yet good!

Monday-We went to a friend's house, had an absolutely AMAZING lunch, and enjoyed playing outside in the sunshine and eating our food on blankets outside.  What a wonderful day.  By the time we got home we all were exhausted from our time spent outside.  You know what that calls for..Family Nap Time!!!

First Weekend in June:
Saturday-Greg mowed and weed whacked.  Elijah asked for me to snuggle him and read and we ended up taking a 2 hr nap together.  I haven't gotten such good snuggles from my big boy in so long.  He is growing up way to fast and there was nothing as sweet as him curling up with me telling me he wanted to take a nap with mommy.  He played with my hair and put himself to sleep...a moment I will forever cherish as these days seem to just fly by! I mean now that it is June-we have a baby due this month! Where has time gone? An amazing end to our amazing day-me and the hubby spent 2 hours just talking, talking about life, about good memories, about making new memories.  Just truly enjoying each others company and having fun without kids running around(they were in bed for the night), something we have not done for quite some time since we work opposite shifts and then our weekends are normally packed tight with the never ending to do lists!  Nothing could have been better!  I'm now ready for this baby to come(as in I feel relaxed and able to take on the next challenge), but we will let it bake a bit longer I guess!

Sunday-Athaiah fell asleep right as we were ready to leave for church, we decided it best to stay home since she melts very quickly if she doesn't get her nap.  We were sad to miss church, but sometimes the kids rule in this house! We decided to be productive instead since we didn't get too much done on Saturday.  Sunday was an outside workday-very much needed around here.  We planted a couple of new flowers, spread mulch, fed all the plants, put weed and feed on the lawn, pulled up TONS and I mean TONS of weeds(I just weeded not sure how it got so bad so fast!), watered everything in, cleaned up the back patio a bit(and I mean a bit, still needs quite a lot of work), and put a small fence up in the backyard for Decafe, so his excrement is contained in one area instead of all over the place! A very productive day.  We also enjoyed a marvelous new lunch...Peach and Steak kabobs!  They were so yummy, I will have to post the recipe soon! Absolutely wonderful for a day spent outside-it was refreshing and sweet and I have had nothing like it before! I will post the recipe soon I promise!

Well, that was our past few weekends, sorry it is so long and lacking pictures.  I really hope we can get our computer problem solved quickly, especially since we have a baby due in less than 3 weeks and I'm going to want to post lots of pictures of the new little one!  Hope you all enjoyed some family time as well the past couple weekends as there is nothing like it!  God is so good to us and we need to take the time to cherish the little things and not get so worked up about life! These past few weekends have been amazing as far as cherishing the little things.  A much needed calm for me in the busyness of everything.  I know it sounds like we were busy but really it was time spent with each other, enjoying the kids and being outdoors. I'm really looking forward to a summer filled with moments like these!

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