Tuesday, April 2, 2013

28 weeks!

I'm so overwhelmed with the thought that in just 3 months we will be welcoming another little bundle of joy to our bunch!  People think we are crazy...and sometimes so do I!  I love our crazy, busy, beautiful life.  I haven't had much time to post recently and I would really like to get better about it! So sorry to everyone. Hopefully I will get on board here soon-life just seems to be moving way to fast!

I think about this baby and I just get so excited.  Elijah is already such a good big brother and he is always trying to help with everything.  I can't wait to see him with another baby.  If you ask him what is in mommy's belly- he will proudly say "baby tuck(Stuck in Elijah lingo)" He knows there is a baby in there, but unfortunately for him at the moment it is stuck.  He will quite often pull up my shirt, knock on my belly, and say "hello?!, Baby stuck, luv eww, bye bye." He will then put my shirt back in place.  Nothing more precious to me than seeing him really enjoy getting to know the new baby.  He wants to play with the baby-and for the first time the other day he got to see and feel the baby move.  His response was priceless "oh baby get me, baby movin" as he continued to poke and prod my stomach trying to get the baby to move some more.  Every time the baby would kick-he would squeal "oh no baby get me!" I loved seeing the joy on his face as he got to experience this.  It is one thing for Greg to talk to my stomach and play games with the baby-it is another to see it reenacted in your 2 year old.  Something so sweet and precious about it. I'm so glad that he loves this little one already-I have a feeling we will have to watch him once the baby is unstuck. He is constantly trying to pick Athaiah up and carry her around the house.  Usually the attempts fail and he says "baby sisa heaby" I love the way he talks and loves on his little sister.

Athaiah on the other hand has no clue what is coming her way.  She is definitely a mommy's girl and isn't quite so happy to share me even with her big brother.  It may take a bit of adjustment for her, since she will have to share a lot more of my attention.  We are blessed that she is already a busy girl and will probably be walking by the time the new baby gets here, hopefully that will keep her busy enough!

Our new little one so far is right between the two kids in how they acted while in my belly-I'm excited to meet it and get to know it's personality.  This one moves pretty consistently but not an over achiever by any means.  Elijah didn't ever stop moving and Athaiah moved twice a day to readjust her position.  It has been fun to see how different 3 pregnancies so close together can be! A great reminder that every child is different and unique and made according to God's purposes!  I look forward to finding out what this little one is...we are keeping it a secret this time, which has honestly been so much fun!!  I kind of like not knowing what to expect-something different....and at the same time a huge leap of faith for anyone that really knows Greg and I.  We are planners and like to know everything ahead of time so we can figure stuff out and have a game plan.  Not this time-we are winging everything.  This time I will hopefully be able to have my baby naturally-although if God plans differently we are very much ok with that....so because of that we do not know the date or time this baby will come. And like I said before the sex of the baby will also be a surprise.  I get more excited the closer it gets! We shall see if I can make it to the due date this time.  A lot of people don't think that will happen.

 I have a lot of humor this pregnancy-but I guess I have to...I'm pretty big this pregnancy compared to my last 2 but I have had them all close and am still within normal weight range. I have had plenty of people tell me I'm going to pop any day and plenty of people question as to if I'm having twins!  I actually don't mind the comments- I tell them I must be having another Elijah!! I love fat babies and would gladly take another one!  I have way more to worry about then how big I am...After all according to the Dr. I'm doing great.  I have gained 19 lbs and I'm currently measuring 29.5" and I'm 28 weeks, so really I'm not doing awful.  I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old to chase around and they keep me plenty busy and they are way more important to me than worrying about how big I am.  I have sleepless nights and sometimes endless days.  I have learned I can only rely on God and His strength to get me through.  I have needed him more and more as our lives become a bit crazier.  I'm looking forward to everything that God has planned for our little crazy family!  We can't wait to meet you baby #3!

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