Friday, April 5, 2013

Getting ready for pictures...

I am getting ready to take Athaiah's 1 year pictures so I found a picture that I loved and the baby had a pearl necklace on!  Had. To. Have. One. Of course if you want one-you can never find what you are looking for and the thrift stores are too far away to keep driving there and looking for them all the time.  I couldn't find any in the jewelry per usual I decided to make my own.

In the craft area of walmart(I know, I know, but that is all we have in this little town) I found some fake pearls-they were even cream colored.  Problem was they were too short and I wanted a necklace we could wrap around her neck a couple of times.  Since they were $1 for a strand I bought 4!  I then bought that cheap stretchy floss.  Now, I could string them all together and make it be whatever size I wanted.  It only ended up being $5 so not too bad in my book! I only ended up using 3 strands, and to tie the end off since the stretchy stuff never stays tightly closed I put a dab of hot glue on the end, just to ensure that if she pulled on it-as we all know she will, it wouldn't fall into pieces.

Done! And so excited...

 Next, she needed a headband-as every little girl does.  I also found at walmart some pale pink ribbon and some cream ribbon with roses already on it! Bonus in my book.  I had elastic at home, so that saved me some money!
I  made this sweet head band out of ribbon and hot glue, no sewing here today!
I bunched up the cream ribbon just a bit so that the flowers were a bit closer together, and then I made some really tiny pale pink rosettes to stick in between, so it had both the colors I wanted!  For the elastic I cut it about 1/4" shorter than what I needed it to be so it would stay on her little head.  I hot glued the edges together and made sure when I attached the ribbon it went over the connecting point so you wouldn't be able to see that in the pictures or while it was on her sweet little head!

So far that is all the crafting I have done to get her ready for pictures.  I will see if I come up with anything else as I'm not too sure what all the pictures will involve yet.  I was going to take pictures this weekend as it is supposed to be nice, but alas both kids have a cold!  I'm not feeling runny noses in the we shall wait until maybe next week.  I still have to do Elijah's 2 year pictures, so I'm hoping I can find a good outfit for him to wear so I can get some good pictures of him as well while we are out taking pictures!

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