Thursday, April 4, 2013

Elijah turned 2!

Hahaha.... I was laughing at the title.  I just realized I never posted on his big second birthday.  Guess I'm a bit behind on things.  SO here it goes...sorry little man, I have been having so much fun playing with you I forgot to stop and write down the memories.  Here is goes...I hope I remember it all well as my pregnancy/mommy brain has really kicked into high gear these days!!

We got to go home for your birthday this year.  We had a cars themed party-thank you so much to my in laws for letting us have a huge party and their house and for providing all the food!  We couldn't have done it without you! It snowed that day, so some people couldn't make it-but you also got to play in the snow for the first time and you had a blast!

You got to see all your grandparents and 3 out of 4 sets of your great grandparents.
 There was Mater on your cake and you were so excited that you had to take the car off the cake before you would even take a bit.  I don't know if you were more excited about the car or the cake!

You got to see balloons for the first time and you had so much fun playing with them and carrying them around the house it was hard to get you to put them down!

You got so many presents and were surrounded by so many people who love you.  We couldn't have had more fun.  You were so grateful and used such good manners-I wish we would have thought to get it on video.  At least we remembered to get pictures!!  Every present you pulled out you yelled thank you and ohhh! It was priceless.

I can't believe you are 2-where did my little baby go.  You are growing into such the little man!  I can't wait to see what God has in store for you.  I know you will go far and succeed at what you do.  You are a very determined little boy-with so much love to give everyone.  One of my favorite parts to the night was at the end when you had to go around to everyone at the party and give everyone a kiss(and no this was not prompted, you just love people that much).  I think you even made it around half the group a second time!  I love you little man!!

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