Monday, September 19, 2011


So guess what we are pregnant again... I am 10.5 wks pregnant with a sweet little one!  I can't wait until it arrives, in April (most likely the first week since we are going to have another C-section).  We are so thrilled and so extremely blessed that it happened so quickly. We have always wanted a big family and we are on our way now!! We currently have an almost 8 mo old baby, so yes they are going to be close in age.  In my mind, that just means they will grow up knowing nothing different.  I know it will come will lost sleep and many challenges along the way.  But I couldn't be more excited!  Don't we always learn our most valuable lessons when we are stretched and tired, when we must rely fully on the Lord.  And trust me I know I am going to need him having a 14 mo old and a new baby running around at the same time.  I am so excited and count myself so blessed that God choose to give us two children so close to together, we couldn't have asked for anything better!  I will make sure to share our journey with you as I am sure it will be filled with lots of trials and joys as we try to learn how to balance everything in our lives.

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