Monday, April 16, 2012

Life these days...

Where do I even begin, there are so many things happening it is unreal.

It has been a bit hectic here.  Not in a bad way at all, just a lot of people coming and going which makes the house seem a bit crazier than normal. 
Let me explain:

I can't lift anything over 10lbs since I had to have a C-section.  This means I can't life Elijah and he doesn't walk yet.  We have had some wonderful people coming over during the day to help me take care of him.  Which has been much needed and absolutely wonderful to have such caring and willing souls to help us out in a time of need.  Truly shows how much God always provides for our family. 

We have also had people bringing us meals.  Another wonderful blessing!  This is one less thing I have to think about during my crazy days.

Did I mention our dog is a nervous wreck??? He has been a nervous dog since we got him, so as you can imagine all these people coming and going and holding his babies seems to be eating at him a bit.  He does a lot of sighing.  He has also done some peeing when people walk in.  He is much better than he was 2 yrs ago when we got him, but I think it is all getting to be a bit much for him these days.  Poor dog!  He is still an excellent dog, but seems to need a bit more attention these days and after a stressful day he just lays there with this sad look on his face.

I am absolutely loving our new little addition.  She is such a wonderful blessing from God!  She is a good baby.  I didn't think we could get much better than Elijah since he was an amazing baby. Well I think we did!  She sleeps 3-4 hrs at a time at night already!! YEAH!  Elijah was up every 2 hrs all night long to eat until he was 6 months old.  She is very content just like big brother. Did I mention I was excited to have a little girl!  I have painted her toe nails already-hot pink of course!  She also wears a bow in her hair everyday!  I am having so much fun with her!

 I am amazed at how similar yet how different they are.  I know every child is unique it is just so cool to see it play out in our own lives!

look identical
content babies
good eaters
easy to put to bed(good sleepers)

She sleeps in longer chunks
She makes more noise(girl???)
Size-she is much smaller

Just to name a few- mainly as good as we can tell at this point since she is still so young! But as for what they both were like at 1 wk old that is how they are similar and different.

Elijah has been doing pretty good.  He takes some interest in his baby sister, but still isn't quite too sure about her as she takes up mommies time.  He has hit her a couple times-not too hard though so I think we are doing ok.  He has snuggled her a bit, and he loves to climb on the couch and peek at her sleeping in the bassinet!  He has a bit of a hard time with me not picking him up, but he has loved all the people coming to the house.  He is a very social being and gets sad when any of them leave! So sweet. He is also getting so big.  He has learned how to ride his ATV from Grandma and Grandpa.  He has gotten really good at standing himself up-only with something to hold onto though.  He is also started walking in the past few days.  He only creeps along the furniture, but I'm betting it won't be too long before he braves going off on his own.  He really seems to like being able to get around by himself.

Last, my husband! A wonderful man! He has been so amazing.  He has had to do pretty much everything with Elijah.  Before he can leave for work at 7am, he gets Elijah up.  Then he comes home for lunch and helps with him again, holds his baby girl, helps get lunch ready if it's not ready yet, pays attention to me, and the list could go on.  He then comes home after a long day, and plays with Elijah again and does everything he needs.  Helps take care of me, he waits on me since it takes me a bit longer to move around.  He pays attention to Athaiah too, and it is the sweetest thing to watch his face light up when he holds her or even just looks at her.  I couldn't have asked for a better man to take care of us all.  He has truly stepped up to the plate and he is wonderful!

Well, that has been our life the past 10days.  Getting used to running the house semi smooth with two children now! I can't believe we have 2!! What a wonderful blessing they both are, we couldn't be more excited!  Things should start to slow down here soon, given I can start to take care of more things around here to give Greg a break! Side note- I need to take some newborn pictures of Athaih, and we have yet to get a family picture.  I need to work on those two things this week!
What has your week been like??

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