Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I made a whole bunch of fun snack food yesterday.  I'm not going to post them all today, some are so simple it's silly but I will post them anyway because we love them. So let's start with a few today and I will hopefully get some more on here tomorrow.

First up:
Frozen Grapes!
Yep it's that simple.  Just stick a bunch of grapes, still on the stems(they are pulled off easier when frozen) into a freezer bag! It makes such an amazing snack and Elijah loves to eat them and take them off the stem it makes him feel like big stuff!
On a side note: he is getting his molars in and I think it feels really good on his teeth so that's like a special bonus.

Yogurt Bites:
I started making these a little while ago.  Elijah used to eat something similar made by a couple companies but they are dried yogurt(and in my opinion don't taste very good).  So I set out to make our own.

1 container of yogurt
1 piping bag(for decorating cakes)
wax paper
cookie sheet
freezer bag

Take the container of yogurt of your choice.  I used a cup of light strawberry yogurt and blueberry.  Cut the tip off the piping bag and pour your yogurt in the bag.  Just drop onto dots on a wax covered cookie sheet. (I ran out of wax paper so I used foil and they still turned out) Place in the freezer for about 1 hour until they are set, then you can transfer into a freezer bag, so they stay nice.  The only down side to these is that they can melt quickly so I only give Elijah about a handful at a time so he doesn't turn into a yogurty mess! But he loves them and asks for them and with all the days over 100 they are a great snack for mommy too.

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