Friday, March 16, 2012

Coffee Sign

For those of you who know me quite well you know that I love coffee.  I worked in a coffee shop for 5 years and loved it, but I also grew up around it.  My parents and grandparents were always drinking coffee, I think it has become more of a comfort item then a necessity.  When I was pregnant with Elijah I couldn't drink coffee for the first 3 months because it made me nauseous, and then all the sudden one day I craved it, and yeah I was able to drink it again.

Any way, now that my kitchen is done I am going to keep the coffee theme going in there.  Since I changed the colors though I need some new decorations.  Since I would prefer to make something cool, then go buy something really expensive I came up with this idea!

What you will need:
Old Floor Tiles(mine were peel n stick vinyl so they were not too heavy)
coffee filters
Hot glue gun/glue

First, on my canvas I laid out all the scraps of tile that I had left from putting the flooring in.  I didn't really want any of them to go to waste, and they made a nice background and obviously matched the kitchen.

Next, I went to town scrunching up all the coffee filters, so they looked pretty.  I found for this project it worked better if I cut them in half since I was going to be writting out of them.  The full coffee filters were a bit too big.

Then, I set to work spelling out coffee on the tile with the hot glue gun(I only did one letter or half a letter at a time so it wouldn't dry), then I placed the coffee filters on it.

On the bottom underneath the word coffee I put a coffee cup.  I centered it under the "f" so that it looked like the fs were more of the steam coming out of the cup of coffee.

Now since I already had the tile(as it was scraps), I already had the canvas(it came in a two pack and I had already used the other one for a different project), the only thing I needed to buy were coffee filters(since my coffee pot has a reusable one).  Which means I made this project for a total of 1.50-can't beat that in my book and I really like the way it turned out.  This will look wonderful above my arch in the kitchen!

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