Monday, February 20, 2012

Decorating the Kitchen

In decorating the kitchen I have decided on a couple of projects and they will be posted as I get them done.  I am very excited about everything I have dreamed we just have to see if they turn out.  If they don't I will keep you posted too! I want them to all be frugal ideas that look cool.

Paint- I have just finished this.  I painted two phrases in the kitchen one above the fridge that says Bon Appetit, and then a quote I made up in the spice rack which says "LOVE, the magical ingredient of all things made here."

Coffee sign- I want to make a sign that says coffee with the "Fs" looking like steam coming out of the coffee cup.  I would like to make it out of old floor tiles, and coffee filters.  We shall see if this works or not.

Hooks- I want to take the scraps of trim and stain them the same color as the rest of the trim.  I then want to use the old and new door knobs and handles that are left and attach them to this, so I can hang things from them.  Such as aprons or towels-but then I don't have to go buy anything extra.

Rug- I like a rug by the kitchen sink, why I have not a clue it is just something I have always like to have.  Since I don't have one that will match I would make one I think.  I have a feeling this project will take a lot of time, and that I probably won't recommend for others to do it. But I am going to try it any way.  I want to use a latch hook type concept.  But instead of yarn I am going to use all Greg's old white t-shirts since a lot of them have some welding holes in them and will just end up in the trash. (also an excuse to buy him some new ones).  For the base I am probably just going to use one of those anti slip mats since they have holes already in them.

Curtains- Last but not least I should probably make some curtains to go in the window above the sink.  This will be last on my list because I am still not sure what kind I want, there are so many fun patterns out there I can't wait to try so many of them. Anyone have any favorite patterns?

Apron-doesn't sound like a decoration I know, but I would like to make myself an apron (probably after I have the baby) so that when I cook my clothes stay a bit cleaner.  I will probably also make Eli and the new little one too just for kicks and giggles!

I am still trying to think of something to put next to the Starbucks sign in the kitchen on the overhang, so if anyone has any ideas at all please let me know.  Or if you have seen any other cool designs that we think I might be able to attempt to make let me know and I will see what I can come up with.

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