Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Zig Zag Afghan

Yarn in whatever kind you like,  I used:
A -Med Blue fuzzy yarn
B-White Angel hair
C-Purple Homespun knit with Purple Fun Fur
D-Grey Angel Hair
E-Blue Homespun
Size 8 circle needles
Sewing needle meant for yarn(so you can sew in all the side seams)

CO 179
1. Right side knit
3. K4, *K1, YO, K5, s1 as if to knit, k2tog, PSSO, YO, K1* repaat between * until last 5 sts, K5
4. knit
Repeat Rows 3&4 until end of afgan ending on a knit row
Bind off all stitches.
Now you need to tuck in all your edges if you didn't do this as you went.  I always wait until the end to do this step, just because I don't like to stop in between to get that part done.  Once all your ends are nicely tucked in, you are done and can enjoy your wonderful new comfy blanket.
Fyi in the picture above this is folded in quarters so it is quite a large afghan, which is exactly what I wanted!
If you want it stripped like mine then this is the number of rows at a time in each color you do, and then just repeat until it is the desired length
A-6 rows
B- 2 rows
C-6 rows
B- 2 rows
D-6 rows
B-2 rows
E-8 rows
B 2 rows
*Repeat starting with A

It feels like a bit of heaven on earth. This blanket is so warm, fuzzy, big and cozy.  I love a good blanket to snuggle with while I'm laying on the couch weither it be just chillin or watching a movie, or reading to my babies! It is so nice for this to finally be done. (it has taken me 3yrs, only because I only work on it in Dec/Jan in random spare time)

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