Saturday, February 25, 2012

Homemade Cough Syrup

Since I have been sick and being pregnant limits the things I can take-which I might add are all the things that actually work.  I decided to do some research and come up with some cough medicine made of food so I can actually take it while pregnant.  Because pregnancy and coughing don't go so well together.  If you are not up peeing, you are up coughing, and if your coughing then you now probably have to pee. It is one vicious cycle!

I found this recipe and made a few changes to it:
1 c honey
1/4c warm water
3 TBSP lemon juice
1/4 tsp ginger

Take all these ingredients and mix them together.  I found they separate slightly so it would be a good idea to put them in a jar or bottle so you can shake it before you take it.  For an adult you take like 1-2 TBSP every 4-6 hrs, and then 1 TBSP if you are a child and 1/2 tsp if you are under 50lbs I think was the recommendation.

This has been the best thing in the past day for me.  My throat has felt like it was on fire from all the talking I have to do(yes I really do have to talk-I have to call people into work!), and the coughing doesn't help that much either.  I do not know how much it kept me from coughing but I was not coughing all day or all night like I have been the past two.  In my opinion some relief is better than none.  Also my sore throat, completely gone-I will continue to take it for this reason alone! I'm serious I can tell when it wears off because my throat starts burning.  You take this stuff and within 20-30min relief! YEAH! I'm one happy momma now that I feel a little better, and I am so glad I found this recipe.  Also it tastes really good because of all the honey in it, much better than any store bought brand I have ever had!


  1. That stuff looks awesome! What a good idea!

  2. It is awesome, I used it for 1.5 wks and had no cough while I was on it.
